See Balls

Goal: Identify Numbers and Kinds of Item by Sight

Materials: Snap Balls

1st Challenge: Item Identification

When shown a single item, identify “tops,” “bottoms,” “balls,” and “nothing.” Repeat until a conversation comes up, attention span is met, or you do it 12 or so times.

Completed if: Correctly identifies all items.

Otherwise, follow up with: Discuss the missed item. For tops/bottoms, discuss how, when snapped together, the colored part likes to sit on top and the clear part likes to sit on the bottom. Play with that kind of item while calling it “tops,” “bottoms,” “balls,” or “nothing.”

1st Challenge Wrap-up: Same, but show the item for only a brief moment. [Same Completion / Follow-up]

2nd Challenge: Number Identification

When shown 0-3 of one kind of item, identify number of “tops,” “bottoms,” or “balls.” Repeat until a conversation comes up, attention span is met, or you do it 12 or so times.

Completed if: Correctly identifies number and kind item.

Otherwise, follow up with: Take the missed number and associate it with things in the room - two hands and two balls. Three lights in the room and three tops. One teddy bear and one ball. No big elephants in the room. See if they can find more groups of the missed number.

2nd Challenge wrap-up: Same, but show the items for only a brief moment. [Same Completion / Follow-up]

3rd Challenge: Larger Number Identification

Same as 2nd, but now show 0-6 of the item.

3rd Challenge Wrap-up: Same, but show the items for only a brief moment.